A Day With Opal Script (One day at Turtle Beach...) Pearl: I'm going out to do some shopping, so I hope you kids play safe and look after Opal while I'm gone. Slash: We will! Nancy: Pearl, do you still have the necklaces from when we turned into mermaids? Pearl: Of course. Did you want to put them on again? Slash and the others: Yes! Pearl: *giggles and gives them the necklaces, allowing them to turn into mermaids* Shinobin, Kaede, and Gwen: What about us? Pearl: Ah, I have a few spares I made not too long ago that you can use. Gwen: Yay! Pearl: *gives Shinobin, Kaede and Gwen the necklaces* There. Now I really gotta go. See you in a few hours~ *The three turn into mermaids* Jam: Welcome to the club, pals! Kaede: Thank you! Nicole: What shall we do with Opal? Linda: Maybe we could swim around with her? Pamela: Sure thing! Wendy: And play some hide and seek? Tommy: Sounds good to me. Ruby: I'll be the counter and you guys hide. (After Ruby was done counting...) The kids and Opal were hiding, and Ruby set out to find them. Gwen: He'll never find me here. Slash: Me either! Nancy: *giggles quietly* (Ruby has already found them) Linda: Wow, I'm surprised he could find us so quickly. Ruby: Turns out you still make bubbles when you breathe underwater so that's how I found you all. Slash: Dang, I didn't think of that. Damien: How did you know, Ruby? Ruby: I saw some bubbles coming out from where you guys were hiding, so that's how I found you. Gwen: Now we know! *Pamela takes a picture of Opal* Pamela: Opal is so cute! Linda: She is! Nancy: I wanna snuggle her! Opal: Ehehe, thank you! Jam: Listen to the dolphins? Slash: Sure. Jam: They make a cute chirping noise! Nancy: Dolphins are cute! Nicole: I'm a dolphin whisperer! Nicole: They say they want to swim with them! Wendy: Oooh, great! *They swim with the dolphins* Nancy: Wheee! Shinobin: This is fun! Gwen: *howls in excitement* Kaede: Hehe, yeah! Shinobin: How did Nicole learn to speak dolphin? Nancy: Maybe some bonus effect from the necklace? Nicole: It is. Nicole: What powers of your necklaces give you the ability to talk to other sea creatures? Wendy: Hmm, maybe by wearing it for long enough and by hanging around in the sea, we can learn their language. *An axolotl comes up to Wendy* Wendy: Aww, hello there! Axolotl: *speaks in axolotl* (This translates to: How's it going?) Wendy: Ah! *speaks back in Axolotl* Slash: Guess that's another bonus to being a mermaid, huh. (Pamela was recording the whole thing) Pamela: Hehe! Linda: This is pretty fun! Damien: Sure is! Jam: I wonder if I can talk to sea turtles... Slash: Give it a try. *Jam goes up to a sea turtle* Jam: Hi, sea turtle! Sea Turtle: *speaks in sea turtle* (This translates to: Hi, Jam!) Jam: Woah! Wendy: Looks like it works! Jam: I knew it! (Wendy suddenly shows affection for Jam) Jam: Ooh, hehe. Wendy: Where's Opal? Nancy: Oh, she's right here. (Opal is playing with an axolotl) Tommy: Hey, Opal! Opal: Hi, Tommy! Tommy: What cha got there, little one? Opal: It's my rock bracelet! Nancy: Ooh! Pretty! Nancy: What color is it? Opal: It's pastel colors. Pamela: It's so cute! Opal: Thank you! *Pamela takes a picture of Opal's bracelet and puts it on her Instagram* Opal: When is Pearl coming back? Slash: Uh, I dunno. It's been like an hour, so she should be back in an hour or less from now? *Meanwhile with Pearl...* Pearl: Phew, that should be enough shopping. Time to head home! *Back with the kids...* Linda: We should head back to Pearl's home, then. We aren't too far. Ruby: Yeah. *When they got to Pearl's house...* Slash: Looks like she isn't home yet. Shinobin: Let's wait for her. *Soon, Pearl got home* Pearl: Hey, everyone! I'm home! Opal: Hi, mommy! Pearl: Hi, dearie! Did you have fun with your friends? Opal: Yeah! It was fun! Nancy: We learned how to talk to sea creatures! Wendy: *holds an axolotl* Hello there, axolotl! Axolotl: *in axolotl* Hi! Gwen: Isn't it a cutie? Pearl: It sure is. Linda: Is it time to return to the surface? Slash: Yeah. I think I'm ready to head home, now. *They swim up to the surface* Kadae: Until we meet again, Pearl! Pearl: Have a safe trip, kids! Slash: We will! Nancy: But first, we have to take off the necklaces. Slash: Right. *The kids remove their necklaces after making it to the surface.* Jam: We're back to normal! Pamela: I'm gonna post my pictures on Instagram! Linda: Cool! Slash: Opal also made me a little gift! Slash: It's a rainbow seashell! Nancy: Ooh, pretty! Wendy: We should head home, it's getting dark out. Slash: We should. *The kids left Turle Beach and went back to their homes* END