A Fairy Adventure Script (One day, Nancy is reading a book when suddenly, a fairy flies from the window to her room.) Nancy: *gasps* Wow! A fairy! Fairy: Where am I? Nancy: O-Oh! You can speak! Um... Well, you're in my home, in Snowtown. My name is Nancy. It's nice to meet you. Fairy: My name is Flora. I come from Fairy Forest. Nancy: Ooh, I see. I've never heard of that forest before. I wonder how far it is. Flora: It's not that far. Nancy: I gotta tell the others! (When Nancy met the gang...) Slash: Wait, a fairy?! Linda: They really do exist! I thought it was just a legend. Nancy: This is Flora, a fairy that landed in my room this morning. Flora: N-n-nice to meet you all... Everyone: Hi, Flora! Linda: So, what brings you here? None of us have ever seen a fairy before, so something's got to give. Flora: I was out playing with my insect friends when the wind blew me away. Slash: Oh, that's it? Nancy: I wouldn't mind accompanying you so you can return to Fairy Forest. Wendy: I have my handy dandy shrink ray! Slash: Wait, why would we need that to take her back to some forest? Wendy: So we wouldn't accidentally step on a fairy. Jam: Can't they just fly? Wendy: I mean they won't mistake us for giants. Pamela: Remember when we became giants? Linda: I mean I do, but shouldn't we wait until we're near the forest, at least? If we shrink now, it'll just take us longer to get there. Wendy: At least I have my handy dandy jetpacks. Slash: Right. Would be faster to get there in our normal forms. (Wendy shrinks the kids anyways) Tommy: Really, Wendy? Slash: Ugh. Here we go again. Wendy: I have our jetpacks to fly us there. Linda: Oh well, let's use them and take Flora back to her home. (And so, Wendy and the rest of the gang used their jetpacks to get Flora home.) Slash: Well, this is a pretty fun trip even though we're tiny. Nicole: Here we are! We are at Fairy Forest! Nancy: Wow! So pretty~ Damien: So relaxing... (Pamela takes a picture of Fairy Forest) Flora: This is my hometown! Linda: Such a nice place~ Fairy Queen: Hello there, kids! Slash: Woah... Tommy: Who are you? Fairy Queen: I am the Fairy Queen. Nancy: Wow~ I-I mean it's an honor to meet you, Fairy Queen. Ruby: She's so beautiful~... Jam: She is~ Kaede: We came to take Flora home. Linda: That's right. It was a nice trip. Nancy: So Flora, how did you end up in Snow Town? Flora: It's a long story... It all began while I was collecting fruit for the forest, suddenly, the wind blew me away from the forest. I somehow landed into Nancy's house, and that's my story. Wendy: I see. So that's what happened. Shinobin: That poor thing... Gwen: Yeah, Shinobin. Flora: This is my home, 37 Buzz Ave. Damien: Looks comfy. (Pamela takes a picture of Flora's house) Gwen: This is so beautiful! Nancy: Yeah! Nicole: Wow, Linda! You would be jealous that the fairy has a cuter home than yours! Linda: Hmm, A little bit. I could always use this as inspiration to touch up my home, though! Slash: How about a moth plush? Jam: Huh? Sure, I guess. Nancy: How many minutes until we grow back to normal? Wendy: Hmm... I'd say about 15 minutes. Slash: We only have 15 minutes until we grow back. Can we fly with the butterflies? Gwen: Sure thing! (At the butterfly ranch) Kaede: Heehee~ This is fun! Shinobin: Yep! (Pamela takes a selfie of her on the butterfly) Slash: Heh, cool! Nancy: (On a butterfly) Wheeee! Linda: Woohoo! Wendy: The shrink ray's effects are gonna wear off soon... Tommy: Ah, we should wrap things up, then. (They hop off of the butterflies) (The kids return to their normal sizes) Jam: We should do this again, sometime! Gwen: You may be right, Jam! Flora: Hope we meet again! Nancy: Take care, Fairy Queen! Fairy Queen: Hope to see you someday, kids! (The kids headed back to Snow Town, laughing about the adventure they had.) END