A Snowboard Kids New Years Eve Special (It's New Year's Eve at Snow Town, the kids were preparing for the ball drop for 2024.) Slash: What a year this has been! Nancy: I wonder what the next year will bring us. Jam: Let's take a look back at our first 3 adventures. Linda: Sure thing. Tommy: *pulls out his phone* Remember when someone took a picture of us as giants? Wendy: I had a lot of people asking for me to try out my expansion ray for a while after that day. Tommy: Believe it or not, it got 90 likes. Pamela: That's true. Slash: That's pretty cool, heh. Damien: And the time I got sucked into the closet. Nancy: That one was scary! Nicole: We used our voices to get him out! Pamela: takes out her phone I have the pictures of the treasures from when we were mermaids! Linda: That was fun! (Kaede and Sinobin show up.) Slash: Oh hey! Here to celebrate the New Year? Shinobin: I... was brought along by Kaede. Kaede: I wouldn't want him to miss it! Nancy: Wanna play some Pokémon Stadium 2 minigames? Kaede: Ooh sure! Pamela/Linda: Ok! (The kids then take turns playing minigames together, the boys cheering each other one, and the girls doing the same.) (They played lots of minigames, most notably, the minigame with the Eevee.) Pamela: This is fun! Slash: Hehe, yeah! Ruby: 2 and a half hours till 2024! Damien: Wee! Sinobin: How many hours till 2024? Linda: Only 2 hours now! Wendy: Yep! Only 2 more hours! (Slash is shown wearing his 2024 glasses) Slash: I got my 2024 glasses on! Jam: Cool! Nicole: Only 1 1/2 hours till 2024! Tommy: Hehe, yup! Nancy: What's your favorite Pokémon? Tommy: Hmm, probably Snorlax. They live such a good life. Nancy: Mine's a Buneary. I love rabbits! Slash: Charizard is awesome! Ruby: Mine's Inceneroar! Linda: Mine is Tsareena! Jam: Politoed! Wendy: I like Magnezone! Nicole: I love Meowscarada! Damien: Gengar! Pamela: Flygon! Shinobin: Hmm... I believe mine would be Greninja. Kaede: If I had to choose, it would be Pawmot. Slash: Heh, nice. Jam: It's almost 2024! Wendy: Only 50 minutes to go! Damien: *wears his 2024 glasses* Look Slash, we match! Slash: Ooh, cool! (Slash takes a Selfie with Damien) Nancy: Hehehe! (Slash posts his picture on Instagram) Tommy: This will make a nice memory. Slash: It sure will! Linda: 30 more minutes! Nancy: Yay! (The kids tune in to see ABC's Rockin New Years Eve special.) Pamela: It's almost 2024! Nicole: Hehe, this is exciting! Ruby: Sure is! Tommy: 15 more minutes! Damien: So close! Wendy: I know! Slash: I hope the new year will bring new courses to try to race on! Jam: Heh, same here!! Nancy: 10 more minutes! Ruby: Woo! Jam: Wendy, I wanna confess to you to something. Wendy: Oh? What's that, Jam? *blushes slightly from the mention of a confession* Jam: Ever since we first met, I've loved your inventions. Wendy: Ehehe, really? That makes me happy to hear that! Ruby: 4 more minutes! Slash: It's almost time! Linda: Yes! Nancy: Time to count down! (The kids count down together, each second they shout it louder with excitement until finally...) Everyone: Happy New Year! Slash: Welcome 2024! Nancy: Woohoo! Tommy: 2024 will have more chaotic adventures! Linda: Hehe, of course! Sinobin: We will. (Jam puts on a new music CD he got to welcome the new year with.) (Welcome to the Jungle plays) Slash: Ooh, nice tune! Jam: Thanks! (The kids partied all night till morning. 2024 will bring more chaotic adventures for the kids.) END