Attack of the 70 Foot Snowboard Kids Script It's another bright and snowy day for Snow Town, in particular for two young ladies named Linda and Nicole, who almost bumped into each other as they approached the snowboarding place. Nicole: I can't help but wonder something. Linda: Hmm? What is it? Nicole: How is it that you're just a little bit taller than me? I mean… we are the same age, right? Linda: I... don't know. Am I really shorter? When they got there... Already inside the tournament were the other six snowboarders… Slash, Tommy, Jam, Nancy, Wendy, and Pamela. Nancy: Huh? What's all this talk about height? Wendy: Well, last experiment we tried a shrinking ray. This time, I've made a expanding ray. We already know what it does from last time with Linda, but I wanted to do some more calibrations on it before testing it again on all of us. Slash: Oh boy, here we go. Tommy: We'll have to be careful not to break anything once we're big, though. Pamela: Is it ready? Wendy: Yep! Just stay right here! Wendy pushed a button and the kids were all surrounded in light, causing them to expand outside of Wendy's house. When the light faded, the kids realized they were bigger than Wendy's house. Jam: What... Just happened? Linda: We're all big now! Slash: Wow! Everyone's houses look like toy playsets now. Nancy: We should be careful not to break anything while moving around. Jam: Wendy, are you gonna make yourself big? Just as Jam said that, the bright light surrounded Wendy and grew up to join the other embiggened kids. Wendy: Here I am! Jam: Thank you! Wendy: Ehehe! Slash: What shall we do now? Jam: We could go to Crazy Jungle and give a visit to the Dinosaurs there. Nancy: Ahh... I hope they won't be scared of us. Linda: Ok. (Later, at the Crazy Jungle.) Tommy: Well... They sure look surprised at our sizes. Nancy: At least they seem docile this time around. Linda: Aww, they even look cute like this. Pamela: They're so cute when they're small! Slash: Heh, I'd pet one, but I've learned my lesson after trying to pet a crab. Jam: Aha yeah, good times. (flashback to the time Slash tried to pet a crab.) Linda: Well, Nancy doesn't seem to have a problem with them. Nancy is seen feeing some of the herbivore dinosaurs, gently eating grass out of her hands, giggling to herself. Jam: Wow, Nancy sure is very nice around animals. Nicole: How tall are we anyways? Wendy: Hmm judging by our original heights and by the adjustments I've made, we should be about 70 feet tall. Nancy: Are we still growing? Wendy: Nope, this should be it. I didn't want us to grow too tall because I didn't want to increase the risk of us breaking something, even if most of us are being careful. Nancy: Okay. Tommy: Should we scare Damien? Slash: Hah, yeah, let's go! He's gonna wet his pants when he sees us. Linda: Yeah. I'd like to see him try and mess with us with his giant mech. (when Damien saw them...) Damien: Aaaaahhh! W-What the heck happened to you guys?! How did you get so big?! Wendy: With the power of science, Damien! Pamela: Yep! Damien: Wow... Uhh yep, I don't have a mech to deal with that, so I'll just accept my loss here. Nancy: Ah, n-no, it's okay Damien. We're not here to bully you. Slash: I am. >:) Jam: Nah, let's not. Linda: Why Jam? Jam: I dunno. It just doesn't seem fair. Or fun. I mean I had fun fighting against Damien's mech back then. Wendy: Yeah, and besides, Damien gave up on the idea of taking over Snowtown. Right, Damien? Damien: A-Ah yeah! That's right! I'll never try that again, ahaha nope nope! Nicole: Why? Slash: I guess he's learned his lesson. Nancy: I've got a bad feeling about this... Tommy: Well, I don't think he's gonna do much. I mean we've become friends since that time, no? Linda: I guess that's true... Even though he still pulled a prank on us in the end. (flashback to the ending) Tommy: Yeah... Why did he pull a prank on us? Damien: I was tired of being ignored and tossed aside so I wanted revenge, but since my mech didn't work, that prank was the least I could do. I still had fun, though! Nancy: WDYM? Damien: Ah... Well, back in the underworld, nobody really cared about me, so I thought I could be noticed here, and when I did, it made me happy. Linda: Why? Ruby: Maybe because he's been looking a place where he belonged and he's finally found it. Pamela: Ruby, what are you doing here? Ruby: I didn't want to be left behind! So I looked into Wendy's machine to grow big like you guys. Wendy: Ah yes, I forgot I left the machine on back at my house. Nicole: Welcome to the club, Ruby! Ruby: Thanks! Damien: Aw man. Now I wanna be big, too. Wendy: Well, the machine is outside my house, so... Damien: Be right back! Damien zoomed past the giant kids towards Wendy's house, and return minutes later as a kid as big as the rest. Damien: Wahaha! This is great! Nicole: Wanna head into the city? Damien & the others: Sure! (When they got to the city...) Nancy: Wah... It feels weird being almost as tall as the buildings here. Pamela: Yep... Tommy: I'm too big to enter the restaurants now... Wendy: Don't worry, Tommy. The effects will only last for another half-hour or so. Jam: Mind if I scare some people? Wendy: Sure. It's Halloween, after all. Just don't break anything. Jam: Ok. (He goes up to the people.) Boo. The people got spooked and ran away, though some of them (including some other kids) stuck around, enjoying this fun thrill. Jam: Wow! That worked! Slash: Hehehe, cool! Nicole: Sure was! Linda: Hehehe, I'm liking the attention from the city folks so far! Ruby: IKR? Slash: Hehe, we're gonna be the envy of the town! Pamela: Yep! (A person takes a picture of the giants.) Linda poses for the photos, and the kids joined in too. Nancy: We're famous! Slash: Yay! (They all high fived.) Nancy: So... What should we do now? Slash: Uhh, I dunno. Wendy: We should head back home. The effects of the expanding ray should expire soon-ish. Slash: You're right. We should head back home. The other kids: Okay! Wendy and the kids then returned to her house, at which point they have shrunken back down to their original sizes. Slash: What an adventure! Linda: Yeah, it was! Nicole: Yep! Tommy: Should we call it a day? Jam: Yeah, I guess we can. Wendy: Thanks for participating in this experiment, everyone! (On someone's Instagram...) Linda: Heh, it didn't take long for them to upload those pictures of us, huh? Ruby: We're famous! Slash: Hehehe, yeah! (They see the picture) Jam: Heh, looking good. Nancy: Ehe, I feel a bit embarrassed. Damien: Finally! I get recognition! Slash: How many likes did it get? Linda: A lot! Jam: What's that a picture of? Tommy: It's a picture of us wandering in the city while being big. Pamela: Now you know! Damien: Wahaha! (Thus starts the chaotic adventures of the Snowboard Kids. What adventure will they go on next?) END