Night of the Werewolf Snowboard Kids Script (It was dark night at Snow Town... A female werewolf going by the name of Gwen showed up selling her full moon necklaces while hooded...) Gwen: Who wants my full moon necklaces? Slash: Hm? I guess I'll get one. They look kinda cool. Damien: Me too! Gwen: I have lots in my inventory! (She gives them 12 necklaces) Slash: Oh, nice! Guess we can hand these to the others. Gwen: *evil chuckle* I can't wait to see how this plays... (Gwen shortly dissapears) (When Slash and Damien met the kids...) Nancy: What is this? Slash: We got some full moon necklaces from some girl last night. Damien: We got ourselves one each but then she gave us like a dozen of them as a bonus, so everyone's getting one! Linda: How beautiful! Jam: Hmm, looks cool, but... I kinda don't wanna replace my necklace. Wendy: Why? Jam: I'm attached to this necklace I have. Besides, it'd kill my style if I were to wear the same necklace as everyone else. Slash: But we'd stand out like a real crew, though! Jam: Hmmm... Well, I guess I could put it on top of my current necklace. Hopefully they don't tangle together or something. (That night...) Slash: Nngh... Huh? I feel... weird. Did I catch something at the school canteen earlier? Pamela: Tonight's a full moon! Slash: Yeah... So? W-Wait, is it me or your pendant's glowing?! Wendy: You said they were full moon pendants, so maybe they have some special powers during a full moon! Damien: According to that strange girl, they are full moon werewolf necklaces! Tommy: Hey um... Guys? I think these necklaces really do work. Jam: Woah! Tommy's a werewolf! Nancy: Y-You've become one, too! Nicole: What's happening to us? Slash: Uhh, guess we're all werewolves now! Damien: Cool! Wonder what I can do with this form, now~ (Meanwhile, Gwen was watching the whole thing) Gwen: My necklaces really worked! Slash: But why would she give use these neckaces, anyway? Linda: I wouldn't know. I just thought this was another prank. You're the one who relayed those necklaces to us, after all. Slash: I-It wasn't on purpose! I had no idea this would happen, I swear! Ruby: *growling* Confess now! Slash: I already confessed! Damien, back me up, here! Damien: We just thought those necklaces looked cool! ... Still think they are, too. Nancy: W-Well, it's not really that bad, is it? We're just transformed, but I'm sure it'll revert back to normal when the full moon is over. Jam: Hmm... I wonder what tricks I can pull off under this form. Shinobin: As a werewolf, I can pounce more efficiently. Linda: At least, my clothes haven't been torn apart in this form. Otherwise, you'd be dead right now, Slash. Slash: *gulp* Ruby: And hey, my muscles look even better in that form! *flexes* Pamela: *takes a picture of herself as a werewolf* Kaede: This is bad. Really super bad. Nancy: It's kind of embarrassing. Slash: How about we go do some courses at night, like this? Might be fun! Wendy and the others: Sure! (The kids then went to race together, Nancy and Kaede being reluctant at first but quickly got into it, enjoying their werewolf form. It allowed them to perform bigger tricks, thanks to the werewolf form's superhuman strength and agility.) (Soon...) Jam: That... was awesome! Slash: Yeah! Pamela: I knew it! Damien: That was fun! Nancy: Hehehe, it was! Tommy: I'm getting kinda hungry... Jam: Hmm... Can we even stop at a fastfood place when looking like this? Linda: I'm not sure... Nancy: Maybe we could make something ourselves at Linda's home? Slash: Maybe? I'm not gonna pull any stunt in there, because I know Linda's gonna retain that werewolf strength even after the necklace's power wears off. Linda: Hey! Slash: I'm not going to the castle! Damien: I have an idea! Jam: Huh? Damien: Let's all howl at the moon! Nancy: Uhh, I don't think I want to h-awoooooo~! *she covers her mouth, blushing in embarrassment* (Meanwhile with Gwen...) Gwen: Oh yeah... It's all coming together... (Back with the kids...) Pamela: When will the curse wear off? Wendy: I guess whenever the full moon night ends. Linda: Couldn't we just take off those necklaces? Ruby: Tried it. Didn't work. It's strange, it doesn't even look like it should hold against my muscles, but it does. Shinobin: They must have been cursed so they cannot be removed. Not as long as the werewolf effects are active. Slash: Darn it! What are we gonna do? Kaede: We could go to a shrine to get the curse removed. (When they arrived at Gwen's hometown...) Damien: This is it, everyone. Slash: Should we just call for her? Damien: Sure! GWEN! Slash: Gweeeen! We had our fun but we kinda wanna get these things off! Gwen: If you want them off, you might ask for the Werewolf King to take them off. (When they got to the Werewolf King...) Werewolf King: What brings you here, newcomers? Nancy: *gulps and fidgets* H-He's kind of big and intimidating... Linda: We're here because we've heard that you could help us remove these full moon necklaces. Werewolf King: To remove the necklaces, first ya gotta beat me in a snowboarding race. Slash: Huh, sounds easy enough. Shinobin: I wouldn't understimate him, Slash. Slash: Why? Wendy: He is a king, so he's very likely much stronger than any of us. Slash: Yeah but it's a snowboard boss race. How bad could it be? Nancy: Uhhh... (Brief flashback of the Snowman Boss, Dinosaur Boss and the Damien Mech boss.) Nicole: You better stock up on items, Slash. Slash: No problem. I've got this. (After the snowboarding race... In which Slash won.) Slash: Whew! That was fun! Werewolf King: Since you won, I will take the necklaces off. Nancy: Thank you, Werewolf King! Werewolf King: You're welcome! (The Werewolf King takes the necklaces off the kids.) Pamela: Phew. Finally back to normal. Tommy: I'm hungry. Let's go get some burgers. Jam: Sounds good to me! Gwen: Dang it! My plan didn't work! Damien: Hmm? What plan? Gwen: My plan to make you permanently werewolves, it didn't work... Slash: I mean... It sounded cool at first, but, I think I'd prefer only be a werewolf when I want to. Like maybe on Halloween or something. Gwen: I'm sorry for putting you in this mess... Nancy: Ah, it's okay. At least everything returned to normal, now. Gwen: Will you accept my friendship? Slash: Uh... Sure! Just... Try not to curse us again, heh. Gwen: I promise not to curse you all again. Linda: Good! Welcome to the crew, Gwen! Gwen: Thanks! (And so, Gwen joined the kids on more chaotic adventures.) END