Pamelagiest Script (One night...) Jam: Hey, everybody. I'm just here to let y'all know that movie night's been moved to Slash's place. Linda: Huh? Why the change? Jam: Slash just finished putting in his new home theater. Pamela: What? We always do it here. Movie night at Pamela's house is a tradition. Nancy: A new home theater? Ruby: Do Slash's parents really have that kind of money to burn? Slash: I made a lot of Gs from winning all these races, so I saved it up to help convince them to buy us one. Pamela: Between you and me, I think Slash's got a little free time these days. Tommy: Slash, what a great job you've done here. Slash: Hehe, thanks! Nancy: All right, let's get this started. Voice: Thank you for choosing Slash Kamei Theatres. Linda: He even got it customized to his image...? Wendy: He paid me to do it. Nicole: Why? Slash: 'Cause it looks cool! Nancy: Well... I guess. (After the movie...) Pamela: Freakin' Slash with his home theater. Has to top everything I do. Pamela: Well, tomorrow I'm going to that home supply and I'm going to build an entire multiplex. (The next day...) Slash: I wonder if Pamela is really gonna make a multiplex. Nancy: I like movies, but I don't need something like that to enjoy them. Pamela: This'll teach Slash to steal my movie night. I'm going to have my own multiplex theater. Slash: I mean, I wasn't really making it a competition, but whatever I guess, heh. Pamela: Hey, look what I found. Wow, authentic Native American remains. Nancy: U-Um, we probably shouldn't play with those... Ruby: Pamela, I really think you should put that back where you found it. Slash: Yeah, even I wouldn't mess with those. (That night...) Pamela: I can't wait to see the expression on Slash's face when I open my multiplex. Nancy: I don't think this is a good idea... If this place has been built on where those people remains were... Wendy: They might curse us for all eternity! (On the TV...) Announcer: This concludes our broadcast day. (TV goes into static) Linda: Huh? Did we lose signal? (Damien shows up.) Damien: Oh! So that's where you guys were. You were watching TV and stuff in this big, fun place and you didn't even invite me! (Damien approaches the TV.) Damien: Not bad. Getting better. Yeah. Uh-huh. I don't know. I don't know. Nancy: Damien? What are you mumbling about? Damien: They're here... Tommy: W-Who's "they"? Damien: The TV people. Slash: TV people? Wendy: Y-You don't mean the ghosts of those who were buried here? (The next day...) Nicole: Uh, Pamela, have you, uh, noticed some spooky things going on ever since you brought that skull into your house? Pamela: No. What are you talking about? Nancy: You really haven't noticed anything wrong around the Multiplex you had built? Jam: Well, like the whole business last night with the TV. Pamela: I'm just saying maybe, maybe I have a poltergeist. Wendy: Aaah, I knew it! Linda: We probably shouldn't go there anymore. We should move that multiplex some place else, too. (There was a thunderstorm that night...) Damien: Okay, okay, try to think of a happy place to be. Happy place... Nancy: I-I'm scared... *sniffles and fidgets* Damien: Um, okay, okay... I'm on Neopets. (Damien goes to sleep) (His closet opens) Slash: Woah! (Damien gets sucked into the portal in the closet.) Damien: I haven't seen anything suck this much since... SBK: Snowboard Kids DS!! Jam: ... Welp, that happened. What do we do now? Wendy: We need to find a way to get him back and remove get this multiplex out of here! Damien: *in the portal* Hello? Slash: Uhh, yeah! We hear you, Damien! Nancy: W-We'll find a way to bring you back! So don't worry! (When Marina got here...) Tommy: I hope this works... Marina: Okay, let's talk to some spirits. Hey, how y'all ghosts doing? Y'all got a little friend of ours named Damien up there. We was just wondering if you could send him back. Spirits: We will comply to this on one condition: That you put back our bones where they belong, beneath this place. Pamela: D-Do we also have to move the Multiplex somewhere else? Spirits: No. That is fine. We could certainly use the entertainment. Linda: Well that makes our job easier. Marina: They said that your baby had entered their world through the closet upstairs and that the exit is... The ceiling fan! Nancy: Ah! We should place a cushion or something under the ceiling fan to catch them! Ruby: If Damien can't find his way out of the ceiling fan, we have to enter the other realm and get him ourselves. Wendy: Hmm, okay then. Let's try to guide Damien towards the ceiling fan. Maybe our voice can guide him there? Damien: in the portal You think this a good idea? Slash: It's all we got for now, so we gotta do it! Nancy: Damien, can you hear us? Damien: *in the portal* Uhh, yeah! I'm still around! I didn't really move much, yet! Slash: We need to guide you to get out of that portal! Damien: *in the portal* Okay! That sounds like a good idea! Linda: Just try to follow our voice! We'll lead you to the exit on your end! Wendy: Come to us, Damien! Please get out of the portal! (With time, effort and help from the kids, Damien eventually succeeds in finding the portal, rejoining them in the normal world.) Damien: Haah! Phew! And I thought the Underworld was dark. Marina: See? The problem resolved itself. Pamela: Thank you so much, Marina! Ruby: Now let's hurry and put these bones back to where they belong. (And so, they put the bones back where they belonged.) Slash: Phew! And that takes care of that. Nancy: Now what? Can we still watch movies and stuff in here? Wendy: I... don't see why not. The spirits did say we only needed to return their remains, so... Nicole: We can watch movies! Jam: Yeah! And the spirits can watch some too! Tommy: What movie shall we watch? Wendy: How about Honey, I Shrunk the Kids? Slash: That one again? Ruby: Sure! The spirits probably didn't see that one yet. Nancy: I don't think they've seen any movie at all, yet. Linda: I guess it's decided, then. Pamela: It's okay, Slash. You'll be able to pick what movie we watch after. (And so, they watched Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.) Tommy: That was fun! Linda: Sure was! Slash: Alright! Let's watch an action movie. I've got a good one. (Slash puts on a 80's action movie about a man with lots of guns rescuing a girl from bad guys and liberating the village by himself.) (It was a wild week for the Snowboard Kids, getting Damien out of the portal was one of their biggest moments yet.) END