Restless Rumble Script (It's nighttime, and Slash is getting ready to sleep.) Slash: *yawns, reaching for his bed* Damien: *peeks through the window, he then starts giggling* I'm gonna make sure he doesn't sleep tonight! (Slash gets in bed and slowly drifts off to sleep.) Damien: *plays his trumpet* Slash: *jumps out of bed* Waah! What the heck?! Wendy: Damien is interrupting Slash's sleep?! Not on my watch! Slash: *blinks in confusion as he sees Damien and Wendy outside his window* ... What's going on? Is this another dumb prank, Damien? Damien: You think that's funny, huh? Slash: No! Buzz off! I wanna sleep! Damien: *puts a record player and plays a disc that makes weird noises* Slash: *covers his ears* Aaargh! Wendy, help me out, here! Wendy: (She prepares a bomb filled with itch powder and after she throws it, she hides behind a tree) Slash: *takes cover under his bedsheets* Damien: WENDY, YOU- (keeps scratching himself) Slash: *pops his head out when it's safe* Nice, Wendy! (Meanwhile at the Snow Town hub...) Linda: What's all that noise? Nancy: Hmm, sounds like Damien is at it again... Pamela: That prankster Damien... Damien: Fool! he puts out a jack in the box with water Slash: Uh-oh! Wendy: *gets splashed by the jack in the box's water* Slash: Damien, why are you doing this? It's night time, we're supposed to be sleeping! Damien: Nighttime is my pranking hour! Slash: *grabs a slingshot and tries to shoot at him through his open window* Just leave already! Damien dodges the rocks Slash: Argh! It's not fair! I can't get out there because I'm in my pajamas! Wendy: I'll help you out Slash! Slash: What are you gonna do? Wendy: Turn you into a giant to get revenge on him! Slash: Ooh, cool! *Wendy whips out her Growth Ray* *Slash gets hit by the growth ray and becomes giant.* Slash: Wow! Now to get Damien! *meanwhile with Damien...* Slash: *chases after Damien* I'm gonna get you! Damien: Aw ****... *Slash chases after Damien* Slash: *catches Damien* Now you better not do that again! I wanna sleep and you have to go! *throws Damien across the sky, towards Damien's house* Damien: I'M SORRY! Wendy: That'll teach him a lesson. Slash: Now to get some sleep. Slash: Oh wait, I'm still big... Wendy: No problem! Here! *points her shrinking ray at him, negating the effects of the growth ray* Slash: Ooh, thanks! I really owe you one, Wendy. Wendy: Hehe! (And with that, Slash and the others went to bed, including Damien as he crashed into his house and landed flat onto his bed.) END