Return of the Werewolf Snowboard Kids Script (It has been almost 7 months since the werewolf incident... Brad and Koyuki were playing tennis when Damien approached them with the 2 full moon necklaces) Koyuki: テニスをするのは本当に楽しいですよね、ブラッド?(It sure is nice to play tennis, right, Brad?) Brad: Eh, it's not baseball, but it's not the worst. (Damien shows up) Damien: Remember when the kids turned into werewolves thanks to the full moon necklaces? Koyuki: TCAOTSBKの公式サイトでそのことを読みました。(We read about it on the offical TCAOTSBK site.) Damien: I have 2 extra full moon necklaces! Brad: Uhh, yeah? Damien: Remember the full moon necklaces? Brad: Yeah, Linda told me about them. *flashback to Night of the Werewolf Snowboard Kids* Brad: My sister was once a werewolf. Koyuki: それは本当ですか?(Was that true?) Brad: It was true. Damien: What are you waiting for? Put on the necklaces! Brad: Alright. *puts it on* Koyuki: 私たちに何が起こるのでしょうか?(What will happen to us?) Damien: Tonight's a full moon! You'll be in for a surprise when you look at the moon! Brad: Ooh, cool! (That night...) Brad: *turns into a werewolf* Woah! So that's how it's like, huh. Koyuki: *also turns into a werewolf* とってもふわふわです!(We are so fluffy!) Brad: Heh, yeah we are. *Pamela takes a picture of the werewolves* Pamela: Look how furry you both are! Brad: Ehehe, this isn't so bad! I feel a lot more agile and stronger like this, it seems like. Damien: That was the surprise for tonight! Koyuki: それが驚きですか?(That's the surprise?) Damien: Yep! Brad: Well, thanks for that! Koyuki: リンダに伝えてもらえますか?(Can you tell Linda?) Brad: I suppose I should. (When they saw Linda...) Linda: Oh my, now you've become a werewolf too? Brad: Yup! Saw the opportunity so I thought "Why not?" (Flashback to Night of the Werewolf Snowboard Kids...) Linda: Brings back memories... Brad: Heh, I bet it does, huh. Koyuki: 残りの10本のネックレスはどうなったのでしょうか? (What happened to the other 10 necklaces?) Linda: Me and the others still have them, I think. Brad: Can you tell the others? Linda: Okay! *calls the other with her cellphone* Koyuki: 彼らの反応はどうでしたか? (What was their response?) Linda: They're on their way with their necklaces! Koyuki: わーい!(Yay!) (When the rest of the kids got there...) Slash: So Brad and Koyuki just joined the werewolf kids club, huh? Linda: Yep. Nancy: Hehe, that's great! Jam: Are we gonna put it on again? Slash: Sure! (The kids put their necklaces back on) (The kids turn into werewolves again) Wendy: It's great to be a werewolf again! Tommy: Mm-hm! Damien: Nancy, can you do that howl again? Nancy: Awooo! Slash: Guess she's not embarrassed about it anymore, huh. Nicole: Did you know that Nancy's howl has become iconic? Pamela: I did not know that! Ruby: She finally unleashed her inner wolf! Linda: Yay! Koyuki: 恥ずかしさをどうやって克服しましたか?(How did you overcome your embarrassment?) Nancy: Uhm, I guess simply spending more time under this form. Shinobin: She's finally getting the hang of being a werewolf. Jam: Aww, they grow up so fast. Wendy: You mean like with my expansion ray? Jam: Not that! Slash: *laughs* *The kids laugh at what Wendy said* *It is revealed that Pamela took a video of Nancy howling* Pamela: That was the best howl ever! Nancy: You recorded my howl? Pamela: Yes it did! Linda: Oh my. Nicole: Yep. Brad: What shall we do now? Kaede: Do some snowboarding? Slash: Yeah! *Nancy got over her embarrassment and decided to snowboard with the rest of the wolf-i-fied kids* *It allowed them to perform bigger tricks, thanks to the werewolf form's superhuman strength and agility.* Nancy: That was great! Brad: Yeah! Tommy: Thanks, Gwen! Gwen: You're welcome! Ruby: Gwen! You're back! Nicole: It's so great to see you again! Gwen: I've upgraded the necklaces to make them removable. Gwen: Remember when they were unremovable? *Flashback to the time where the kids couldn't remove their necklaces* Shinobin: I remember when we learned we couldn't take off the necklaces... Ruby: Why was it unremoveable? Slash: I think it's because they were cursed. Pamela: Why, Gwen? Gwen: The reason why they were unremovable is because I wanted you to be permanently werewolves, but I updated them to be temporary. Slash: We forgive you, Gwen. When will the night be over? Gwen: In about an hour. Kaede: We got an hour to spend! Nancy: Hmm, what else should we do? Damien: Let's all howl at the moon! Linda: Okay! Everyone: Awoooooo! (Pamela even recorded the howling kids) Slash: That's was a great night! Linda: Yeah! Koyuki: もうすぐ太陽が昇りますか?(Is the sun almost up?) Jam: The sun's just rising! Slash: Looks like we're turning back to normal! *The kids turn back to human* Slash: That was a fun night! Linda: It was better than the last time! Tommy: It sure was! Nancy: We should head back home. Kaede: We shall tell everyone what happened! Pamela: Yeah! (The kids returned to their to homes to tell their parents about that night) END