Snowboard Babies Script (One day, the kids were exploring Crazy Jungle when they came across the Fountain of Youth.) Slash: What is this? Nancy: It's a fountain? Wendy: It's not any fountain, it's the Fountain of Youth. *Pamela takes a picture of the Fountain of Youth* Linda: That sounds useful if it's true, but why are we here? We're already young as it is. Jam: So we can swim in it. Tommy: Won't we become babies or something, though? Who's going to take care of us if that happens? *The kids jump into the fountain* *With a bright light coming from the fountain, the kids turn into babies.* Nicole: (What the?) Tommy: Waaaa! (I knew it!) (Jasmine (Nicole's servant) and Stella Kitsune see the baby Snowboard Kids gang.) Stella: Nice to meet you again-- what happened? Jasmine: It appears Miss Nicole and the others have fallen into the Fountain of Youth. Nicole: *crawls over to Jasmine as she recognize her as her servant, looking up at her* Nicole: Jassu? (Jasmine?) Ruby: (My muscles are gone!) Linda: (At least, my hair is the same...) Nancy: (Nicole has a servant?) Linda: (Of course she does. She's just as rich as me, after all.) Jasmine: I'll take care of the babies while you find the antidote. Stella: Sure thing, Jasmine! *Jasmine takes the baby-fied Snowboard Kids to Nicole's Mansion* (Jasmine has also built a nursery in case something like that happens) Slash: (Well, this won't be too bad, at least...) Damien: (Where are we?) Nancy: (We're at a nursery.) *Pamela tries to take a photo of the nursery, but she couldn't hold up her phone* Pamela: (Why can't I hold up my phone?) Nancy: (Your hands are too tiny. Want me to help?) Pamela: (Sure thing, Nancy!) *Nancy helps Pamela hold her camera to take a picture.* (Wendy and Jam were watching Baby Genius) Jam: (I love Vinko the Dancing Bear!) Wendy: (Look how cute he is!) (Tommy crawls over to them) Tommy: (Vinky?) Jam: (This is Vinko, the Dancing Bear.) Nancy: (It is cute!) (The rest of the Snowboard Babies joined in) Shinobin: (This is so cozy...) Kaede: (It sure is.) Gwen: Yip Yip! (Baby Genius rocks!) (Meanwhile with Stella...) Stella: Where to find the cure from the fountain of youth? (Back with the Snowboard Babies...) Nicole: Waaaa! (I want my bottle!) Slash: (I hope they can find a cure...) Jasmine: What is it, Nicole? Nicole: *stretches her hands to try and reach for what she's looking at, which is a bottle* Jasmine: I got that for you, Nicole. Nicole: (Thank you!) Jasmine: You're welcome! (Back with Stella...) Stella: Is that the cure? (Stella has found the age potion!) Stella: This is it! Stella: I found the cure to make the Snowboard Babies kids again! (Meanwhile...) Slash: ZZZ... Tommy: *is fast asleep as well* Jasmine: You all can rest, young ones. Ruby: (Dino Plush!) Linda: (Cute!) Stella: Everyone, I have the cure! Slash: (Yaaay!) *Stella gives the kids the antidote* *One by one, the babies take the antidote and turn back into kids.* Slash: Ahhh! Finally back to normal! Damien: Finally! No more diapers! Shinobin: That was a weird day... Linda: Eyup... *Stella pours Fountain of Youth water on her head* *Stella turns into a kitsune kit* Nancy: Oh no... Jasmine: Here we go again... Stella: Waaaa! (I'm hungry!) Wendy: It's our turn to take care of Stella... (And so, the kids took care of the baby Stella) END