Stoneboard Kids Script (One day, at an abandoned pet store...) Damien: *looks around for a cool pet to buy* Hmm... Oh, this snake looks pretty cool! Damien brings a mouse for the snake The snake's glare turns the mouse into stone Damien: *his eyes lit up with awe* Woah... I didn't know snakes could do that! ???: This is no ordinary snake, it's one of Medusa's snakes. Damien: Uhh, who's that? ???: It's me, Felix the mythical pet shopkeeper. I caught this snake during my battle against Medusa. Damien: Oh, right. I meant I didn't know who Medusa was. I guess it must be some mythical creature? Felix: Yes. She is a mythical creature. They say if you look at her snakes, you get turned to stone. Damien: Are you sure? Felix: Yes. The mouse you gave to the snake turned into stone. Damien: Huh, alright. So uhh, how much for that snake? Felix: 3 bucks. Damien: That's a crazy deal! I'll buy it! Felix: Sold! Have fun with the snake! (When Damien met up with the kids...) Slash: What's up, Damien? Damien: I bought a cool new pet snake that can turn living beings into stone! Apparently, it belonged to Medusa. Nancy: Can I look at it? Damien: Ah, I mean sure! Linda: There's no way it's real, is it? Tommy: I dunno. If demons are real, then Medusa might be real too. *Nancy looks at the snake* *The snake's eyes glow* Damien: Are you ok, Nancy? *Nancy turns to stone.* Damien: Well what did ya know? It worked! Right, Nancy? Linda: U-Um, I think she can't respond now! *The snake's eyes glow at Linda* Wendy: Don't look at the snake! *Too late, Linda had already turned into stone.* Slash: Why the heck did you bring this thing to us? Damien: I-I just thought it'd be cool! Jam: Is it permanent...? Nicole: Finally! A statue for my garden! Slash: Do you know who you bought this snake from? Maybe they know of a cure! Damien: It was some abandoned pet store! Pamela gets a picture of the snake Ruby: Pamela, no! Wendy: Hopefully, taking a picture doesn't count. It seems that it's only when you look at the snake's eyes as they are glowing that you would turn into stone. Pamela: Phew. (Meanwhile with Nicole) Nicole: I can't believe the look on your face, Linda! Jam: I guess Linda has two statues of herself now. A big one and a small one. Wendy: This isn't the time to be fooling around! We need to bring this snake back to the pet store as soon as possible! Slash: To the abandoned pet store! (When they got to the abandoned pet store...) Slash: This is it, everyone... Damien: Let's hope he's still around. Felix: Hello again... Damien: H-Hey, uhm... Some of my friends got turned into stone and I was wondering if there was a way to turn them back? Felix: There is a way... But it might be require that snake to reverse it... Slash: Another snake? Felix: The reverse Medusa snake! Jam: Do you have that snake in store? If not, where could we find one? Felix: You can find them at Medusa's lair. Tommy: That sounds scary... Slash: Let's go! (With Felix's directions, they go out and find Medusa's lair.) Medusa: Hello, kids... Wendy: Oh no! Cover your eyes! Slash: *looks down to avoid seeing Medusa* U-Um, hi Miss Medusa! Our friends got turned into stone and we need a reverse Medusa snake to cure them. Medusa: I suppose I have one here... Damien: Can we borrow it? We can even give you back this snake of yours if you want. Medusa: I don't care. You can borrow it. Slash: Huh... Well, that was easy. Tommy: T-Thank you, Miss Medusa! Slash: Let's hope it works! *Slash uses the reverse Medusa snake on the petrified Nancy and Linda* *Nancy and Linda turned back to normal.* Nancy: A-Ah! What happened? Slash: You were turned to stone for 15 minutes, but luckily we saved you both from the reverse Medusa snake. Linda: Seriously? One statue of myself is enough. You deserve my thanks. Nancy: Thank you so much! *Slash hugs Linda* Linda: *blushes deeply but doesn't even try to push him away* H-Hey! W-What's the big idea?! Slash: I missed you so much! Linda: I-I... It was only 15 minutes, but... I missed you too. *hugs him back, even giving him a kiss on the cheek* Nancy: Wow. Pamela: That's one way to end a story. Jam: You got that right. END