The Discording Script (One afternoon...) (The kids were having fun outside.) Damien: *grumbles, peeking on them from behind a tree* (Man, they're having fun together and they didn't invite me, again... Maybe I should just join them anyway.) (An unknown shadow appears.) Slash: What is that? Linda: Huh? Nancy: Whatever that is, it's making me feel uneasy... Tommy: S-Same here... ???: I'm from another realm. Wendy: Ooh! How interesting! So, what brings you here? Discord: I've come here to corrupt you. Jam: Wait what?! Linda: Are you threatening us? I'll have you know I come from the richest family in town, and they won't like that their precious future heir to the Maltinie company will be ruined by someone like you! Tommy: W-We are just having fun here. Why would you come here just to mess with us? Ruby: Yeah! What's your damage?! Discord: Remember when I corrupted Twilight's friends? Jam: Uhh, who? Wendy: Sorry, we don't know who they are. Are you talking about someone from the world you're from? Discord: Yes. You've watched "The Return of Harmony", right? Nancy: Uhh, that rings a bell. Wait... Are you saying that cartoon happened for real?! Discord: Yes. Now let me corrupt you all. Pamela: Uh-oh... Linda: No way! I won't let you! *reaches for her cellphone to call for help* Damien: *gulps as he quietly watches things unfold* (Discord discords the kids, turning them slightly grey) Linda: *couldn't get to call for help in time as she got discorded* What's the use of being nice and wanting ot protect my friends? Nancy: It would be nice to let loose and be bad for once. Damien: ?! (N-No way...! What's going on?!) Nicole: Hey Linda! Linda: Oh, it's you. What do you want? Nancy: Come to make fun of her again? I can join! Tommy: I don't want to eat ever again... Damien: (This is horrible! I have to fix this, but how?! I should be the only meanie in town, and even then, I'm not THAT mean... right?) *runs off to get his giant mech for protection and making his way to Wendy's House, hopefully to find something to reverse Discord's spell* Damien: Theres no way we I can fix this! He's from another universe... Damien: (Wait... I'm technically from another world too, but... It's the underworld, a place for bad folks and demons...) *Damien gets anxious trying to rattle his brain, wanting to save the Snowboard Kids* (Meanwhile...) Slash: It's hopeless... (Wendy was eating snow.) Wendy: Snow is so yummy! Jam: ZZZZZ... Ruby: *eats a burger* Pamela: *smacks Ruby* Ruby: Hey! What the heck?! *Pamela pounces on Ruby* *Nancy laughs at the fight* Nicole: Linda! Want to color something? Linda: Huh? Uhhh, I don't know... (Meanwhile with Damien...) Damien: Hmmm, I can't think of anything. Should I try and fight Discord? If I can defeat him, maybe the spell will be lifted? But can I really do this...? Damien: I can travel to different universes! Damien: Oh! Yeah! That's right! Maybe if I can find the world that Discord came from, maybe I could find a way to lift the spell! (Damien uses the portal gun.) Damien: To Equestria I go! (Damien enters the portal and gets transported into the world of Equestria.) Discord: What are you doing here? Damien: Uhhh... *clears his throat, not wanting to back away from Discord, remembering he has his giant mech* Damien: You! You better return the Snowboard Kids back to their normal selves or else you will get a beating from me! Discord: How about you beat me in a fight? Damien: You're on! (And so, they engaged in a battle) (Meanwhile...) Tommy: *his stomach grumbles but he is too depressed to move or eat* (They turn more grayer) Slash: This is getting worse! Nancy: What can we do?! Jam: ZZZZZZ... Linda: *sobbing* We've become more grayer! Pamela: Really, more grayer? Ruby: I wonder if there is even a way to reverse this? Wendy: I could find a way, but for some reason, I can't come up with anything. (Meanwhile...) (Damien was still battling Discord.) Damien: Ugh... Had enough, yet?! Discord: Okay, I surrender. Damien: Phew, good. Can you remove the spell on my friends, then? Discord: Okay. (Discord snaps his fingers) Damien: Alright. You better not try that again. *uses his portal gun to return to Snow Town* (Meanwhile...) (The kids colors are returning.) Linda: Huh...? Oh! We're back to normal! Nicole: It's a miracle! Nancy: I'm so glad! I felt terrible acting the way I did because of this discord magic. Linda: Same. Slash: Yeah. Glad that's over with. Ruby: This curse made me eat something that would ruin my body! Here, Tommy. You can have this burger. Tommy: Thank you! I was starving! *gobbles it up quickly* Jam: What just happened? Wendy: There was a strange creature from another world that used his evil magic to turn us all negative. Now that the spell is lifted, I must go work on counter-measures so that it will never happen again. Damien: *appears before them* Hey guys! Glad to have you back! Slash: Damien? Where have YOU been? Damien: Oh, just had to take care of something important, put some stuff back in "order." Nancy: *giggles* I see! (And so, Wendy banned Discord from appearing in Snow Town ever again.) END