The Little Mer-kids Script (One day, at Turle Beach...) Jam: Another nice day, today. Linda: Yeah. Are you gonna be searching for treasure again, Slash? Slash: Nah. I don't think there is any around here. I'll just go have some fun underwater. Wendy: That sounds nice. I never understood how we can breath underwater here, though. Maybe some magic spell is in place? Ruby: Who knows? I'm going to use this opportunity to sunbathe. (Pearl shows up) Pearl: Oh? Ooh, you've come to play here again, I see! Slash: *blush* Oh hey there! It's nice to see you again, heh. Linda: You better not be flirting with her, Slash. Slash: I-I'm not! Nancy: What brings you to the surface, Pearl? Pearl: I was collecting some shells on the shore to make some necklaces to sell to merfolks underwater. I could make some for all of you, if you'd like. Pamela: Ooh, I wouldn't mind helping you make some, instead! Nancy: Sure! I can help too! Nicole: Are they magical? Pearl: I can make them magical, sure. When worn, they could turn you into a merfolk, like me! Slash: Ooh, that sounds fun! Nancy: Can we test it? Pearl: Of course! (Some time passed as the kids got together to make shell necklaces, which Pearl them imbued with magic. When the kids wore them, they turned into mermaids and mermen respectfully, heading into the depths below to explore the sea around Turtle Island.) Nancy: Wow! This is beautiful! Linda: Yeah! I've always wanted to know what it was like to swim around underwater like a fish. Or well, like a mermaid. Slash: This makes it much easier for looking for treasure! Wendy: I thought you said you were over that, earlier. Slash: Ehh, I changed my mind. (Nancy encounters a sea bunny) Nancy: *gasps* Ohhh my gosh, it's so cute! Jam: Looks almost like a marshmallow, huh. Pearl: Right? I love these little things! Wendy: The underwater wildlife is so fascinating! (Pamela takes a picture of the sea bunny) Pamela: This place is so pretty. Lots of opportunities for breath-taking photo pictures. Ruby: IKR? Tommy: Um, I have a question. Do these necklaces' power ever wear off? Pearl: Nope! Not unless you take it off, so you can rest easy; you're not suddenly going to turn back to human and drown. Besides, like Wendy deducted, there is a magic spell around this underwater realm that prevents any creatures from ever drowning. Tommy: I see. That's good to know! Slash: Where's Damien? Damien: Oh, I'm here! I uhh just got busy being chased by crabs. Jam: How can you get chased by those things when you can swim way above the sea floor? Damien: They were throwing some rocks and corals at me. They can throw stuff pretty far with those claws they've got. Nancy: Can you turn Damien into a mermaid? Pearl: Sure. I've got another necklace here. Damien: Ooh, thanks! This'll make swimming around here easier. (Damien turns into a mermaid) Nancy: Ooh, great! (Pamela takes a picture of Damien as a mermaid) Pamela: Hehe, you're looking cute like this, Damien. Damien: *blushes* Ahaha, t-thanks! Linda: I agree, Pamela! Jam: Hmm, what else could we do underwater? Nicole: Find the most shells? Slash: We kind of already did that for Pearl so she could make us these necklaces. Nicole: Play hide and seek? Nancy: Sure! There's a lot of spots to hide in here, so this will make it fun! Nicole & the others: Sure! (Pearl and the kids take turn playing Hide & Seek, finding some neat stuff along the way.) (The kids look at the treasures) Slash: Hehe, we got a nice haul! Linda: We sure did! I'm impressed, Slash. Slash: *blushes and grins* Hehe, I knew I had the nose for finding treasure after all! Tommy: Which one's your favorite treasure? Slash: Hmm, I guess it'd be this gold bracelet. It looks pretty cool! Tommy: Mine's a gold dubloon. Linda: This gold pendant looks fabulous~ Nancy: This rabbit plush I found. Someone must've abandoned it. Wendy: This looks like a meteor fragment, so this is definitely my favorite treasure. Nicole: I've found a knight's helmet. The trimmings on it makes it look like it must have belonged to some royal family in the past. Pamela: Mine is a piece of a treasure map. Slash: Ooh, nice! Ruby: These gold-trimmed sunglasses look pretty good! Jam: I found some bongos! What about you, Damien? Damien: I found a crystal crown! Slash: Neat! (Pamela takes a picture of the treasures) Linda: We should probably return to the surface. It's been really fun! Nancy: Yeah! We'll be sure to come back here more often. Pearl: Thank you for visiting! Feel free to come back anytime~ Nancy: We will! (Pamela posts the pictures to Instagram) Pamela: This will prove that mermaids are real! Slash: Hehe, well we already knew they were real. Nancy: Maybe Pearl will be able to sell necklaces to people on the surface, too. Ruby: You may be right! END