The One Where Brad and Koyuki Become Giants Script (One day with Brad and Koyuki...) Koyuki: ブラッド、どうしましょう?(Brad, what shall we do?) Brad: Uhhh, welp, we better not trample over some house or anything down below until this wears off. Koyuki: なぜ、ウェンディ?(Why, Wendy?) Wendy: You were the only ones who hadn't had fun in this form. I couldn't just leave it at that! (Flashback to Attack of the 70 Foot Snowboard Kids and What Happens When Shinobin, Kadae, and Gwen Turn Into Giants?) Brad: You still could've asked us before using it on us, you know? Wendy: I just couldn't resist! Brad: I better tell Linda! (Meanwhile with Linda...) Linda: Oh great. Now my brother's a giant. Brad: I can't hear you! Koyuki: *giggles* Linda: *yells* Why are you here?! Brad: To show off how big I am, duh! I mean, I couldn't just stay put until this wears off, and we're family! Linda: Wendy, help me out there! Wendy: I can help you! Brad: Huh? What are you gonna do? *Wendy makes Linda grow* Linda: There we go! What now, Brad? *acts smug* Brad: *shrugs with a smile* I got nothing. Welcome to the big club, I guess! Koyuki: やあ、リンダ!(Hey, Linda!) Linda: Oh hi, Koyuki! Koyuki: 本を読みませんか?(Wanna read some books?) Linda: Sure! ... Is there a book big enough for me to hold like this, though? Wendy: I just the thing you need! *She puts out Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Sisters, and a manga and made them grow with her growth ray* Linda: Ooh! So the growth ray works on objects too! Handy! Wendy: It does! (The kids read their books) Brad: This sure is a different experience from just reading them at a normal size, heh. Koyuki: 自分がとても大きくなって、都会にいるような気分になったことはありませんか? (Ever get this feeling when you are so big, you're in a city?) Linda: Shall we go to the city? Brad: Okay! (The trio went to the city) Linda: So what do you guys wanna do? Koyuki: ドライブインシアターへ行ってみませんか? (Head to a drive in theater?) Brad: Sure! Linda: Sounds good! (They went to see a drive in theater and the movie they're seeing is Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2) Brad: This is fun! Koyuki: 君の言う通りだよ、ブラッド!(You're right, Brad!) Linda: What shall we do now? Brad: Head to Turtle Beach? Linda: Sure. (And so they headed to Turtle Beach to watch the dolphins) Koyuki: リラックスできます。(This is relaxing.) Linda: Yeah~ (Brad falls asleep) Brad: ZZZ... Linda: *lays back and relaxes* Mm... Koyuki: 二人一緒にいるととっても可愛いですね... (They're so cute together...) (Pamela takes a picture of the sleeping giant siblings) Linda: *the sound of her camera wakes her up* Huh? Oh, hi, Pamela. Koyuki: こんにちは、パメラ!(Hi, Pamela!) Pamela: Hi, Koyuki! Koyuki: 成長光線の効果はいつ消えますか?(When will the growth ray's effect wear off?) (Wendy shows up) Wendy: It will wear off in 15 minutes. Linda: That's a relief. (Soon...) Koyuki: 通常の状態に戻りました! (We're back to normal!) Brad: Phew! Linda: That was an experience. Koyuki: それは経験でした。(That was an experience.) Brad: It sure was. Linda: Yep. Brad: Should we call it a day? Linda: Yep. (And so the kids wrapped up their day and went back home.) END