The Search for Flora's Thimble Script (It was a very sad looking Flora that Nancy found sitting out in the garden.) Nancy: What's wrong, Flora? Flora: I've lost my favourite thimble... Nancy: Aww no... I can help you find it! Nancy: Wendy can help! Wendy: Oh? (Nancy explained the problem) Wendy: Hmmm I see! We can use the shrinkinv ray to form a small search party! (Wendy took her shrinking ray to the garden and shrunk Nancy) (And then she shrank the rest of the kids to make as large a search party as possible) (She even shrank herself) Wendy: Let's go find that thimble! The other kids: Okay! (It was very strange being so small and the grass being so tall) Tommy: You know, seeing the grass so tall now makes it look like a big jungle. Kinda spooky... Linda: Spooky indeed... *Pamela takes a picture of the tall grass* (They were as small as an ant, In fact, they were smaller than an ant as they suddenly discovered!) Nancy: Eek! An ant! Slash: Maybe shrinking down wasn't such a good idea! Nicole: Put me down! Slash: Oh no! Jam: We gotta rescue her! Linda: But how? An ant is capable of carrying 100 times its weight around! (Fortunately, Ruby was even stronger than the ant.) Ruby: Now this is how IT'S done! Linda: Go for it, Ruby! *The ant lets go of Nicole* Nicole: Phew! Wendy: Yay! (They began their hunt for the thimble and before long came to a great mound of earth,) Slash: What is this? (It was a molehill, or rather, a mole mountain.) Jam: Oof. This might take a while to plunder, if that thimble is in there. (They climbed down into the mole hill, but they quickly became lost in the twisting, turning tunnel.) Slash: How are we gonna find our way out of here? Wendy: I can place a beacon at the entrance here so that this device here will trace our steps back here! Damien: Good idea! *And so, Wendy put the beacon at the entrance* Wendy: Now we can trace our steps back here! The kids: Yay! (They soon found a way out) Nancy: Phew. That was scary! (As they continued their search in the garden, it began to rain, or so they thought. But it wasn't rain, it was a sprinkler) Shinobin: Now we're gonna get wet trying to find the thimble... Linda: *sarcastically* Oh great... Kaede: We have to tum off the sprinkler! Or we'll be washed away! Slash: How do we do that? We have to find a switch or something! (It was Flora's wings that came to their rescue) (She flew through the sprinkler drops wearing an empty snail shell on her head for protection and reached up with her wings and turned off the tap) Jam: Oh wow, she made it! Linda: Phew! Now we can resume our search. (However, their troubles were not over. Down in the flower bed, they found themselves face to face with a giant stag beetle.) Linda: Oh what now? Slash: Maybe we really shouldn't have shrunk ourselves. Ruby: Ants are one thing, but stag beetles are on a different level. (And had a bad temper to match. It chased them up a flower) (They were stuck, with no way down.) Pamela: Who will save us? (A group of butterflies show up) Nancy: Ooh, look! Nicole: Butterflies! (They were able to jump aboard a kaleidoscope of passing butterflies who flew them to safety) (And then their search led them to the garden pond, although now it was more like a vast lake) Slash: Man, we're really going all over the place just for this thimble... Damien: How will we get across? Wendy: Lily pads! (They all climbed onto a lily pad and began to paddle across the pond) Linda: This is kinda relaxing. Like when I used to be on one of my dad's yachts. Jam: Your dad has multiple yachts? Linda: Well yeah, he has one at nearly every port around here. Nicole: So does mine! Slash: Man, I wish I was rich... Tommy: Where is that thimble? (In the shed at the bottom of the garden they found a caterpillar. A caterpillar wearing a hat) (Or what looked like a hat, but on second inspection proved to be a thimble. It was Flora's thimble!) Flora: That's my thimble! Slash: Let's go get it! (Very carefully, and very quietly, Slash reached out with his arms and lifted the thimble without waking the caterpillar) Slash: I got it! Linda: Nice, Slashy! *clears her throat and blushes a bit after realizing what she just called him* Gwen: Now let's get outta here! *They escaped the shed* Jam: Wendy, are you going to make us normal again? Wendy: Yeah! *uses her expanding ray to turn everyone back to normal* Wendy: Thanks for participating in this adventure, everyone! The kids: Thanks, Wendy! Flora: Looking for someone? *The kids see that Flora has grown to human size!* Wendy: Oh, whoops! *The kids and Flora laughed about their adventure to get Flora's thimble* END