The Snowboard Kids Take Flight Script (One day during a snowboarding race...) (Nancy picks up a blue item box and obtains Wings, but...) Nancy: Huh? That's weird. The wings didn't appear on my board. (She hasn't noticed that the wings appeared on her back.) Linda: Is something wrong, Nancy? Nancy: I picked up some wings but when I used them, they did not appear on my board. Where did they go...? *she looks around herself and notice something coming out her back* ... Oh! Linda: I think there's something wrong with the wings today. Let me go check. (Linda picks up a blue item box and obtains the same wings, but she end up going what Nancy's having) Nancy: It looks like the wings are attached to us instead of our boards, now! (The rest of the kids followed suit) Slash: What happened to us? Wendy: There must be something wrong with the wings today... Jam: What's the problem, Wendy? Nancy: *as she tries jumping, her wings spread* Woah! Tommy: What happened with the wings today? Linda: I don't know, but the wings are on our backs instead of on our boards now. Jam: Maybe it's some new change done to the Wings item to change things up in the course? Nicole: Now I can fly and make Linda jealous! *chuckle* Linda: Hey! Pamela: Let's see who can fly the highest! Slash: Alright! Ruby: Let's go! (And so, they had a flying contest) Nancy: Whee! Tommy: *does a loop de loop* Slash: *does a barrel roll* Linda: *does a Split-S maneuver* Jam: *does a Cobra maneuver* Linda: *chuckles at Slash's barrel roll* Nancy: This is fun! Pamela: *takes a picture of the kids with their wings* Ruby: This is fun! Slash: Yeah! (Pamela takes another picture of the kids with their wings) Jam: This is the best thing that has happened to us! Nicole: Sure is! Linda: This is great! Ruby: When will the wings dissapear? Wendy: I have no idea. Jam: How do we get down? Slash: We just fly down, duh. (Meanwhile with Damien...) Damien: Why didn't I get wings? Nancy: Maybe you'll get some from this blue item box here. (Damien picks up the blue item box and gains wings) Nancy: There you go! Damien: Thanks, Nancy! *Damien blushes as soon as he says that* Nancy: *giggles* You're welcome! *Damien soars up to the kids* Tommy: Hi, Damien! Damien: Hi, Tommy! Linda: Nice to see you join us! Damien: Thanks! (And with that, Damien and the kids flew together) Pamlea: *hums a tune* Tommy: This is kinda relaxing. Slash: It sure is. Nancy: When will the wings wear off? Wendy: Based on how long the wing items usually last when they are used on the board, I'd say they should be wearing off soon. Better fly back down just to be safe. Nancy: We need to fly back down... *the kids flew back down* The wings then disappeared after everyone flew back down safely to the ground. Linda: *giggling* That was fun! Slash: It sure was! Nancy: Yeah! Damien: How do I get down? Linda: Just fly down? *Damien flies down* (The wings dissapeared from Damien) Damien: Finally! Slash: Heh, that was fun while it lasted. Nicole: Yep. Jam: Still, I wonder what was that about. Maybe it was a bug? Wendy: Maybe... Linda: Who knows? Maybe Mr. Dog will make it a feature in the future. Nicole: You may be right! Pamela: There's a chance Mr. Dog will make wings on us possible! Slash: Yeah! (And so the kids voted for the wings to be on them, Mr. Dog agreed, and now it's possible to have wings on their back.) END