Valentine's Day in Snow Town Script (It was Valentine's Day in Snow Town. The town hub was decorated with pink hearts, confetti, roses, and chocolate.) Slash: Ugh, all this pink and cutesy, lovey stuff is gonna make me develop an allergy. Linda: No, silly, it's Valentine's Day! Slash: I know! I just... don't really care for it. *glances away from her, blushing* Linda: Why? Slash: I dunno... It's kind of embarrassing, and... no girl ever handed me any chocolate, so... *he mumbled that last part* (Meanwhile with Damien...) Damien: A holiday about lovers and couples? Sounds weird! Nancy: Hi, Damien! Damien: A-Ahh, H-H-Hi, Nancy! H-How's it going? *blushes and fidgets* Nancy: Here are some flowers for you! Damien: *his face turns red from this present* ...F-For me? Really? *his eyes sparkles and his heart practically melts with joy* Nancy: I just wanted to say Happy Valentine's Day! Damien: Hehe, t-thanks! Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Nancy! Nancy: You too! (Meanwhile with Jam...) Jam: Heh, maybe I should write a little rap song for Valentine's Day... (After Jam made his Valentine's rap song...) Jam: Hey Wendy! I wrote a lil' song for you, as a Valentine's Day present! Wendy: You did? For me? Jam: Ehe, yeah! I hope you like it. *plays the tape on his boombox and holds a Microphone, singing his song to her* *Wendy listens to Jam's song* (His song finishes a few minutes later.) Jam: Heh... H-How was that? Wendy: Really fantastic! Jam: Thank you! Happy Valentine's Day, Wendy! Wendy: I love you, Jam! Jam: I love you too, Wendy! *hugs her* (Meanwhile with Tommy and Gwen...) Tommy: *fidgets and blushes, his heart beating fast* Um... Do you wanna share this box of chocolate I have together? Gwen: I guess. Tommy: Ehehe, g-good. *Gwen gives Tommy a hug* Tommy: *hugs her back* Happy Valentine's Day, Gwen. Gwen: (howls in love) You're so snuggly, Tommy! Tommy: Hehe, t-thank you! Your fur is really soft! Gwen: Thanks, Tommy~! (Meanwhile with the Plus characters...) Ruby: Ah, Valentine's Day. A great day for lovers, but also a great day for those who love themselves. Like me! *flexes in the mirror* Nicole: Really? Ruby: Ah. Well, yeah. Nicole: You know Ruby, I doodled a picture of us on my sketchbook. Ruby: Ooh? Let me see! *Nicole shows Ruby the doodle* Ruby: Oh my. This is quite impressive! I didn't expect you to capture my complex figure. Nicole: Thank you. Pamela: I wish I had someone to love... Ruby: Aww... Pamela: It sucks to be without a loved one... (A timid boy with glasses and a bowl cut approaches Pamela.) Nicolas: U-Um... H-Hi! I'm a big fan of yours, and enjoyed seeing you in every movies you starred in. Pamela: Who are you?] Nicolas: I-I'm Nicolas Copper. It's nice to finally meet you and t-talk to you. Pamela: Finally, someone who loves me! Nicolas: Ehehehe! Pamela: I've been waiting for someone to love me! And that is you! Nicolas: I'm so happy! I promise I'll make you happy, too! Pamela: The batch of cookies was waiting for someone and now they're ready! Nicolas: Ooh! I can't wait to taste them! Pamela: Me too! (After they ate the cookies...) Nicolas: Haaa, that was delicious. Pamela: IKR? (Soon, the couples met up at Snow Town's hub.) Linda: We're all here for the dance! Slash: Ooh, cool! (The music starts) Slash: ... Wait, this music... I-Is this for couples? *glances at Linda, blushing* (The couples start dancing, with Slash dancing with Linda, his heart beating so fast as all those feelings for her are rushing through himself.) Slash: I love you, Linda... Linda: I love you too, Slash... Despite your prankster attitude, you can be really nice to me when you try. Slash: *blushes* Linda: *giggles and blushes as well, smiling* (The couples danced to the music and partied all night.) END