What Happens When Shinobin, Kadae, and Gwen Turn Into Giants? Script Shinobin: WTF happened to us? Kaede: Wow! We're so big now! Shinobin: Why did you do this, Wendy? *flashback to Attack of the 70 Foot Snowboard Kids...* Wendy: I didn't want you to feel left out since we all got to experience this. Kaede: I mean, thanks. It's kinda fun, but I don't think Shinobin's happy with this. Shinobin: Why me...? Wendy: Aww, don't worry, Shinobin. It's just a test! It won't last forever. The effects should end in about an hour or two. Kaede: Hmm, okay! But... What could we do in the meantime? I wanna have fun, but I don't wanna cause a ruckus since I'm so big. Shinobin: Maybe go to a forest? Wendy: That's a good idea! Kaede: Yeah! Let's go! (When they go to the forest...) Kaede: Wow... Being higher than the trees is really cool! We used to simply climb up them, but this is way different! Wendy: Right? It's like a whole new perspective! Shinobin: It's like walking on air. Kaede: Wheee! (Meanwhile with Gwen...) Gwen: *whimper* Wendy: Hm? What's wrong, Gwen? Gwen: I wanna be big... Wendy: Oh! Why didn't you say so? *brings out the Growth Ray and fires it at Gwen to make her grow* Gwen: Yay! (Meanwhile in the forest...) Kaede: *notices Gwen has become big too* Ooh, hi! You wanna play with us? Gwen: *wagging her tail* Yeah! Kaede: Hehehe, yay! Shinobin: I don't see why not. The three plays around together in the forest. *Kadae rips a tree from the ground and plays fetch with Gwen* Kaede: *giggles* This is fun! Shinobin: *sleeping* Kaede: Heh, Shinobin really doesn't care about this whole giant thing. I can understand him a bit. He prefers a tranquil life and finds joy in the little things, like farming. *Gwen was nomming on a tree* Gwen: You know what guys, being a giant is so fun! Kaede: Yeah! Shinobin: ZZZZZ... (Shinobin was watching a waterfall) Kaede: Hmm, I wonder how long we have left. Wendy: According to my timer, about half an hour. Gwen: *still nomming on a tree* Wendy: *giggles as she watches Gwen* *Gwen gives Wendy a big lick* Wendy: Eeep! *giggles and yelps playfully from the lick* (Meanwhile with Tommy...) Tommy: Gwen? Wendy: Hmm? Ooh, Tommy's here. Hi there! Yeah, Gwen wanted to be a giant, so I helped her out. Tommy: Gwen is so cute when she's a giant! Wendy: She is! *Gwen picks up Tommy* Tommy: Ooh woah! *Gwen nuzzles Tommy* Tommy: Aww~ *reaches up to touch and cuddle her face* Gwen: :) (Meanwhile with Shinobin and Kaede...) Kaede: Hmm, the Growth ray's effects should be running out soon. *Shinobin wakes up from his nap* Shinobin: The Growth Ray's effects are running out? Wendy: Yeah, the effect last for about an hour and a half now, with the adjustments I've done to it. (Meanwhile, Pamela takes a picture of Shinobin, Kaede, and Gwen.) Wendy: Oh! Hi, Pamela! Tommy: Hehe, taking pictures of this big moment, huh? Pamela: I'm just a photographer doing her daily picture! Kaede: Ooh, I see! *Pamela posts the photo to Instagram* Gwen: We're famous! (Soon...) Kaede: Hehehe, yeah! Gwen: UWU Shinobin: Did the effects wear off? Wendy: Looks like it. Welcome back among humans of normal size. Shinobin: You're welcome. Gwen: *snuggles Tommy* Tommy: Ehehehe~ Shinobin: Thank God it's finally over... Kaede: I thought it was kinda fun! Gwen: It was! Wendy: I'm glad you guys had fun! (They all chuckle) END